On Windows, the default path is 'My DocumentsArduinolibraries'

Move the ‘OneWire’ folder into the 'libraries' folder inside your Arduino sketchbook folder:

Unpackage the zip into local directory and rename the folder to ‘OneWire’.ģ. Important: Before using this add-on library in MATLAB, you need to install the OneWire Arduino library. It includes documentation and an example that demonstrates the use with a DS18B20 temperature sensor and DS2431 1024-bit EEPROM. Write(sensor, addr, 72, 1) % parasite power on Sensor = addon(a, 'PaulStoffregen/OneWire') % Create arduino object with the add-on libraryĪ = arduino('COM38', 'Uno', 'Libraries', 'PaulStoffregen/OneWire') With the add-on, you can reset the device, read or write a single byte or multiple bytes from or to the device and also check the data integrity using either CRC8 or CRC16 algorithm. This add-on extends MATLAB Support Package for Arduino Hardware to read from and write to 1-Wire devices. This add-on is supported for MATLAB R2016a - R2018b. Select Add.ZIP Library from the sub-menu. Choose Include Library from the drop-down menu. Click on the Sketch menu at the top of the IDE. To do this follow these instructions: Open the Arduino IDE. Once you download the library ZIP file you’ll need to install it in your Arduino IDE. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful. Contribute to esp8266/Arduino development by creating an account on GitHub. Arduino's OneWire page (warning: has buggy version). Download+Install Basic Usage Digital I/O PWM & Tone Timing USB Serial USB Keyboard USB Mouse USB Joystick USB MIDI.